Sunday, January 25, 2015

Mismatched, but Functional

This is the current state of my craft room. I have a lot of work to do on it, but I'm so excited to start getting items out of boxes and plastic wrap and putting it all together.

We picked one of the bigger rooms in our new house to serve as the craft room/office, although my husband and I both know that it's going to be 90% craft room and 10% office. Even my daughter has started to refer to this room as the craft room and is constantly asking if we can go craft yet. I am excited to tell her, "soon."

As you can see, my craft room is going to be quite mismatched. In Albuquerque, my office was birch and white, but before we left town, we sold our old desks and I took this black desk, which was in my daughter's room. It's been fun trying to fit our old house into our new house, which is quite smaller, but completely capable of being home. I'm embracing my mismatched furniture because, well, it's completely functional. And I'm super excited to have such a great space to craft and create. I can't wait to get things started.

Since starting to set up my area, I have been spending some time on Pinterest getting ideas and looking at other people's craft areas. I've gotten some great ideas, and I would love to see the space where you create. Head on over to my Facebook page and post a picture of your craft space.

Happy Stampin'
~ Carmelita

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